#20: map_meta_cap

The map_meta_cap filter allows you to modify which primitive capabilities are mapped to which meta capabilities. That is to say, allow a specific user or users to have or not have a capability in a specific context.

It is evaluated in map_meta_cap() in the wp-includes/capabilities.php file.

map_meta_cap accepts 4 arguments:

  1. array $caps An array of primitive capabilities matched to the provided meta $cap
  2. string $cap The name of the meta capability to map to
  3. int $user_id The current user’s id or a specified one
  4. array $args An array of extra arguments for the meta capability. Sometimes empty


Let’s say you only want to allow super admins to upload files in your Multisite installation (for some reason). The following returns do_not_allow for any non-super admin on the upload_files cap.

View the code example on Gist.

#19: delete_{$meta_type}_metadata

The delete_{$meta_type}_metadata dynamic filter effectively allows you to prevent certain meta data from being deleted. The dynamic $meta_type variable accepts ‘user’, ‘comment’, or ‘post’.

It is evaluated in delete_metadata() in the wp-includes/meta.php file.

delete_{$meta_type}_metadata accepts 5 arguments:

  1. bool null If anything other than null is returned, delete_metadata() will short-circuit and return the boolean equivalent of that value. Default return for delete_metadata() is true on successful delete, false on failure
  2. int $object_id The user, comment or post object id
  3. string $meta_key The meta key to delete
  4. string $meta_value The meta value to delete
  5. bool $delete_all Whether to ignore $object_id further down in delete_metadata(). Default is false


Let’s say you want to keep non-admin users from deleting featured images once they’re set (for some reason). The following uses the dynamic delete_post_metadata hook accomplish this.

View the code example on Gist.

#18: pre_link_description

The pre_link_description filter allows you to do modify a link’s description before it is saved into the database.

It is evaluated in sanitize_bookmark_field() under the db context, which is used in wp_insert_link() in the wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php file.

You should run any string text you return via this filter through esc_attr() as it’s used in the link’s title attribute. See the note below about slashing link data.

pre_link_description accepts a single argument in the form of a string containing the link description/title attribute.

Side note: Link data coming out of the database via wp_insert_link() is unslashed via wp_unslash() in 3.6+ (stripslashes_deep() in older versions) but the data going in will automatically be slashed via mysql_real_escape_string() in the $wpdb->insert|prepare methods (thanks Rarst for the assist!). In other words, this is a case where Core handles slashing the data for you.


Let’s say you run a site that still actively uses the Link Manager to build a blog roll or links list, and let’s say you want to subtly indicate when a link was last edited. The following replaces the link description with the last-edited date and time which is then saved in the database.

View the code example on Gist.