#6: wp_terms_checklist_args

The wp_terms_checklist_args filter allows you to modify the arguments array in wp_terms_checklist, which is located in wp-admin/includes/template.php. wp_terms_checklist is the taxonomy-independent version of wp_category_checklist and only works with hierarchical taxonomies.

It accepts two arguments:

  1. array $args The arguments array (see wp_terms_checklist for the defaults
  2. int $post_id The post id


Let’s say you have a hierarchical taxonomy called ‘Media Categories’ — with a slug of media_cats — that you’re using with media attachments. And let’s say you don’t want the selected categories to float to the top of the box (the default behavior).

* Disable 'checked_ontop' for Media Categories taxonomy
* @see wp_terms_checklist()
* @param array $args An array of arguments.
* @param int $post_id The post id.
* @return array The arguments array.
function wpdocs_no_top_float( $args, $post_id ) {
// If the taxonomy is set and equals 'media_cats'
if ( isset( $args['taxonomy'] ) && 'media_cats' == $args['taxonomy'] )
$args['checked_ontop'] = false;
return $args;
add_filter( 'wp_terms_checklist_args', 'wpdocs_no_top_float', 10, 2 );

View the code example on Gist.