#39: admin_comment_types_dropdown

The admin_comment_types_dropdown filter allows you to modify the options supplied to the comment types drop down in the Comments screen. The built-in values are Comments and Pings.

It is evaluated in WP_Comments_List_Table::extra_tablenav() in the wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php file.

admin_comment_types_dropdown accepts a single argument:

  1. array $comment_types An array of comment types to be used as options in the drop down.


There is no (useful) example for this filter yet. Have an idea for one? Submit an example.

#36: heartbeat_send

The heartbeat_send allows you to modify the Heartbeat response sent when no $_POST data is passed. It is the logged-in, privileged sibling of heartbeat_nopriv_send.

It was added in 3.6.

It is evaluated in wp_ajax_heartbeat() in the wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php file.

Like heartbeat_nopriv_send, heartbeat_send accepts 2 arguments:

  1. array|object $response The response object or array.
  2. string $screen_id The screen id.


There is no example for this filter yet. Have an idea for one? Submit an example.

#27: heartbeat_nopriv_send

The heartbeat_nopriv_send filter allows you to modify the Heartbeat response sent when no $_POST data is passed.

It was added in 3.6.

It is evaluated in wp_ajax_nopriv_heartbeat in the wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php file.

heartbeat_nopriv_send accepts 2 arguments:

  1. array|object $response The response object or array.
  2. string $screen_id The screen id


There is no example for this filter yet. Have an idea for one? Submit an example.